Tennis Elbow for Racquet Players


Let’s talk about a common problem Racquet sport athletes deal with…

Racquet is becoming increasingly popular here in Miami and we are seeing a growing number of people complaining about Tennis Elbow. We have an incredible solution here at Skincare by Amy Peterson, to alleviate discomfort and keep you performing your best.

Have you heard of Tennis Elbow?

If you are a regular tennis player or padel afiscionado, the odds that you have experienced Tennis Elbow are quite high.

It is a painful condition caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons in the forearm, particularly those around the elbow joint. Often associated with repetitive motions like gripping or lifting, commonly seen in tennis players but can occur in anyone performing similar activities.

Our solution — Emsculpt Neo for Tennis Elbow!

Emsculpt is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-frequency electromagnetic technology to stimulate muscles and help with healing.

How it works

  • Emsculpt activates muscles to help with healing and regain strength.

  • It can be used to treat joint pain, muscle pain, and bone health.

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